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Christopher Pollock

Hi, my name is Chris, I am a professional Abseiler (descending of a rock face or other near-vertical surface), I work over the edge anywhere I can or when asked to work. Been in the game for 10 years and have done archery for about the same amount of time. I can be witty, funny, happy and a down right good guy. I teach archery and help new rope techs become better with the knowledge I have learned over the years. 

My hobbies are archery, rock climbing, rebuilding cars, target shooting, hunting, bushwalking, camping in remote areas with minimal impact to the environment, and hitting the beach. I also enjoy spending time with friends locally and via Facebook globally. I also like building and inventing usable ideas and products. I generally have solutions to some unique problems.

Reason to join the ORORO Squad
My sister bought one and showed it to met. I live in a cold place 1000m above sea level in winter. I liked the look and functionality of her jacket, so I proceeded to buy a jacket for myself and a heated vest for a friend, and two spare batteries for both of us.

What’s your favorite thing about ORORO?
It looks good in all situations.

What are the best 3 words to describe yourself?
Kind, Driven and freaky.

I’ve been through a lot in life, so I try to be kind to everyone. I’m driven in my chosen field of work, life and sport. Freaky, well who else would ( jump) abseil off a building and enjoy it?

Please share a short story about an important challenge that you've overcome (in your life, hobby, or profession):
I had a rough lower class childhood growing up and spent a house deposit getting sorted out. It’s taken over ten years to change a lifetime of bad memories and habits to become me. I help people as I walk through life, by not judging anyone based on their life experiences. That can help a person change their lives by listening and understanding. Even just sharing stories of growing up, can open doors to people helping themselves.

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