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Kuma, the Siberian Husky who loves the cold!

ORORO Heated Vest
“Playful, intelligent, and curious,” is how Carissa Mak describes her three-and-a-half-year-old Siberian Husky, Kuma. “He’s got quite the big personality. Throws tantrums. He knows when you are talking to him and will respond accordingly.”   Carissa continues, “He goes everywhere with us… We go hiking with him, camping with him and we’ll go paddle-boarding with him when the weather’s too hot for walks and hikes, he loves it.” 


Kuma and ORORO Play Full Out in Massachusetts!

Women's Classic Heated Jacket

Kuma came to live with Carissa and her boyfriend, Alex, in December 2020, and Alex bought Carissa an ORORO Heated Vest as a birthday gift in January 2021. “My boyfriend and Kuma both really like the cold. I am one of those people who’s always cold.”

Alex and Kuma love to keep the patio door open in the winter even though they live in Massachusetts. This is one of the times that Carissa hunkers down with her heated vest to stay warm.

ORORO at Work

By day, Carissa is a civil engineer and she spends a lot of time working at home. Alex also works from home and they make sure that at least one of them is home every day for Kuma. Carissa explains, “Kuma has bad separation anxieties so he can’t be left home alone.”  

Alex first heard about ORORO four years ago and, since buying a vest for Carissa, she now also owns a black ORORO Heated Jacket.  But, she adds, “I think my favorite go-to is the vest….it’s easier for me when I’m layering up for work. We have to wear our field jackets, so the vest is easier to go on underneath that.”

Kuma’s Unique Personality Shines!

Kuma is “pretty mellow which is nice because he just kind of sleeps and lounges around all day.” Even though Kuma has access to the bedroom at night, he loves to sleep in the living room on the floor or on his bed. 

Carissa adds, “Usually in the mornings, by the time we’re awake and we walk out, he’s on the couch…he lays down like a person which is pretty funny. He’ll lay with his head on a pillow and his belly up.”

Despite his husky size, “he acts very cat-like,” Carissa further explains. “As a puppy, he loved to lay down inside cardboard boxes. He also plays with balls and bats at his toys like a cat would.”

Kuma loves other dogs but can be finicky about people. He prefers women over men, but with children, it is the opposite. He’s a bit skittish around little girls but does better when he’s around boys. 

If Kuma were to run the country, Carissa says that he would mandate “free snacks for all because he does love his snacks” and he would offer “a dedicated nap time for everyone.”

ORORO Motivates Carissa to Take Kuma Outside!

Carissa and Alex take Kuma for a walk twice a day for at least one mile each time. They live in a dog-friendly neighborhood with a park and trails nearby, so they have plenty of good dog-walking options.

When Kuma wants to go for a walk, Carissa explains, “He has potty bells hanging on the door, so he’ll ring them. And he gets really excited for those (walks).  But sometimes, like the last walk of the night before we go to bed, he is already tired. We like to joke that it’s because we live on the third floor and he doesn’t like going up and down three flights of stairs sometimes.”

Carissa uses treats on their walks for training, but sometimes Kuma goes off-leash. Carissa always has a 50-foot-long leash attached to his collar so she can quickly grab it if she needs to. 

“He’s a Husky, he loves the cold,” Carissa continues. “It (the ORORO Heated Vest) gives me the motivation I need to take him outside and enjoy his favorite weather for as long as he wants.” 

Carissa and Alex Gift ORORO to Others 

Carissa and Alex bought Alex’s sister an ORORO Heated Vest for her birthday. “And like me, she’s always cold,” Carissa says. “She told us that it was probably something she would never take off.”

Thanks, Carissa, Alex, and Kuma, for sharing a part of your lives!

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