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Meet 3 Hot, Hot, Hot Members of the ORORO Squad

ORORO Squad Members

A few months ago, we released our brand ambassador program, the ORORO Squad. Since February, people from all walks of life and from different regions have joined the squad. We’ve been lucky to count with ambassadors filled with enthusiasm, optimism, and who are constantly challenging themselves by going the extra mile; all in pursuit of their dreams. 

Today, we want you to meet 3 squad members that were selected as “Hottest Members of the Month” earlier this year. They were chosen for their contributions to ORORO and have helped us spread the word about our heated apparel. Check them out! 

May - Masha Alieva

Ice dance skating - Masha Alieva


Masha is a young ice dancer whose dream is to go to the Olympics one day. She's challenging herself every single day to make her dream a reality. She has been a solo ice dancer for some years, but is now looking for a partner. If you know anyone, please help us help her! 

This is what Masha told us: 

“I started figure skating when I was 3 years old. When I was 10, my family moved to the United States, and I kept working hard towards my dream. I spend about 6-7 hours on the ice every day. My goal is to go to the Olympics and I won't give up.

I used to be a single skater. However, doing jumps brought so many injuries that I couldn’t have proper training. I wanted to do ice dance for a long time, but didn’t have that opportunity. You know what? I am an ice dancer now. I am searching for a partner to pursue my goals to go to the Olympics. Work hard and your dreams will come true!”

Thank you Masha, for sharing your love about ORORO in a fun way! 

Check out how she’s been spreading the word:

April - Claudia Cornacchione

Woman in heated vest - Claudia Cornacchione


Claudia is filled with energy and an amazing personality. We love her enthusiasm, mentality, and that she always has a smile on her face.  Everything she shares is positive and very inspiring! She also does all kinds of outdoor activities and enjoys all kinds of challenges. Her enthusiasm is contagious.

This is what Claudia told us some months ago: 

“Originally from Italy and I moved to the US 12 years ago. When I don't work, I like to run and bike, and as a family we like anything outdoors (kayaking, skiing, mountain biking, paddle boarding, ice skating, etc…) I also enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures!

Boston can get pretty cold in winter with temps way below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. ORORO helped me survive this winter! Also, I am a preschool teacher and with COVID we try to spend as much time as possible outside. ORORO keeps me warm during those chilling (sometimes freezing) mornings. All my preschool kids now know about ORORO  and come to check what color my light is!”

Thank you Claudia, for your good vibes and enthusiasm!

Check out how she’s spreading the word: 

March - Gabi Sasai

US National Women's Archery Team - Gabi Sasai

Gabi is a competitive Olympic recurve archer. 2021 has been a great year for her and her most recent accomplishment was her nomination to the US Archery Team for the 2021 World Archery Championships. The Championships will take place from September 19 to 26, in Yakton, United States.

US Archery Team nomination

How did she achieve this? By working hard and challenging herself every day. Despite her young age, she’s constantly working on her mindset, which is fundamental if you’re aspiring to become a top athlete. As she says: “The toughest opponent I will ever face is myself! I’ll take myself head on and be ready.”

We’re sure that Gabi will continue to have great success throughout her archery career. But is archery the only thing she does? No! She also makes some space for lots of other activities. 

This is what Gabi told us: 

I am a competitive Olympic recurve archer and a member of the United States Archery Team. I jokingly say I love archery because I don’t have to run, but in truth I just LOVE IT! The amount of dedication, discipline and focus the sport requires fits my personality and everything about archery is rewarding. No matter how successful you might be or become, there is always room to improve mentally and physically. Archery for me is a way of life, and I hope to be fortunate to shoot for a very long time.

As important as archery is to me, I love all sorts of things. I have been hula dancing since age 5. I'm in my school’s symphonic and jazz band and play the flute and saxophone. I also love my school club, the Technology Student Association and STEM. In my free time I also like to draw and illustrate both digitally and on traditional forms of media, take pictures, play music on my melodica, origami, read and catch up on my favorite anime and manga.”

Here’s a little secret: Gabi has always been a fan of ORORO. Did you know that she Photoshopped a photo of her in our Heated Parka one day, wishing she could get it as a birthday gift? And so she did. 

Thank you Gabi, for sharing so much love and for inspiring us every day with your hard work and focus!

Check out how she’s been spreading the word:


Meet more amazing members of the ORORO Squad

Masha, Claudia, and Gabi have been incredible members of the squad. But there are lots of other inspiring squad members that we’d love for you to meet. Each one has a unique and captivating life story. 

Meet more members now!

You’ll be hearing more about them and their stories throughout the year, so stay tuned!

Want to join the squad? 

If you love ORORO and want to be one of our ambassadors, you can check out all the details here. Make sure you meet all the minimum details before applying! 

Check out all the details now

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